I noticed a convergence this week between the musical aspects and business aspects of my barbershop experience. As barbershop acapella singers, we are devoted to the musical style we love so much, but how to communicate that enthusiasm to others? We all genuinely wish that the great experience we have would be shared by others, and that desire coincides with the business goal of growing membership. At a recent leadership meeting we noted that there are many musical opportunities in our area and we asked ourselves the question "why would someone join the Cascade Chorus instead of some other group?" The most significant answer, we realized, is the tremendous amount of resources available beyond the local chorus. We have District and International levels of activities, education and support. I'll be attending Harmony College Northwest soon, and the selection of classes to choose from is literally awesome. We have so much to offer in musical education and experience! There is a richness and depth to barbershop singing that consistently surpasses my expectations and gives me so many opportunities to grow. That is something to get excited about!