Do you love to sing or think you might love to sing?
We Have Open Rehearsals
Guests are welcome any time!
What do you get every Tuesday night at a rehearsal of the Eugene Cascade Chorus? Great music, learned quickly and sung well. If you want a musical experience every week, come join the Cascade Chorus.
There are a lot of new and exciting things happening with the Cascade Chorus. If you haven't visited us in a while, it's time to come back. If you have never visited before, we guarantee you a musical experience whether you come to join in or just to sit back and listen.
Our Rehearsal Hall
We meet Tuesday at 7:00 P.M. at Eugene Church of Christ at 2424 Norkenzie Road in Eugene Oregon.
Rehearsals are open to anyone interested in visiting...
For more information call Chuck Maly at 541-505-7120