April 7, 2018-Greater Eugene to the rescue

Anonymous's picture
April 8, 2018 - 6:29am -- Anonymous (not verified)

The Cascade Chorus was excited. We were hosting a Barbershop Singers Convention in Eugene April 7. Then we got a call from the University of Oregon-The Pepsi Invitational was now scheduled for April 7 and we were wanted to run the food booth. How to be two places at once? We couldn't. So a call went out to the Greater Eugene Sweet Adelines chapter.

As always, Greater Eugene jumped in with both feet and saved our bacon (stripples for the vegan among you).

The weather was not cooperating, but the food service was stellar. Our thanks to the 22 members of Greater Eugene who worked yesterday. Go Ducks.


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    2424 Norkenzie Rd
    Eugene Oregon

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