A Cascade Weekend

Anonymous's picture
October 17, 2017 - 7:22am -- Anonymous (not verified)

For the Cascade Chorus it was a dash up to Vancouver WA for the annual Evergreen District convention. We got to watch Social Insecurity sing Friday, qualify for the quartet finals Saturday and win the right to compete as a Senior quartet at the 2018  Mid-Winter convention of the Barbershop Harmony Society. The chorus was pleased to bring 30 men to the stage Saturday morning and sing for the crowd. We were very happy to take back to Eugene the Most Improved Chorus award. Coby was smiling as he holds the large traveling trophy (above). We will add our name to the list of winners, and proudly carry the trophy to Spokane in October 2018 to award it to next years Most Improved Chorus.

Sunday was the trip back home for the tired and happy singers.

Men, you too could join this happy gang. Come October 17 to the first rehearsal of the Community Christmas Chorus. We rehearse at the Eugene Church of Christ, 2424 Norkenzie Rd. in Eugene. Be there a few minutes before 7PM and try out singing in the barbershop style. See you there.

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Weekly Rehearsals

Tuesdays at 7:00 P.M. at
    Eugene Church of Christ
    2424 Norkenzie Rd
    Eugene Oregon

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