Thank you, Veterans

Anonymous's picture
November 11, 2016 - 3:46pm -- Anonymous (not verified)

Thank you to the millions of veterans who have served and are serving our country. To those who are currently deployed, our thoughts are with you and we hope you will return home safely. It takes a selfless person to give up a comfortable lifestyle, be away from their family, stand ready to protect us at any time and give everything they have for our country.

One of the most powerful statements about our armed services members is: “All gave some. Some gave all.” Those fallen members gave their lives so that we can continue to live in a democratic society where the American Dream can still be possible.

My thanks to the Iowa State Daily for these well written words.


In our photo we see Jim Schock, Don Kileen, Rich Watkins, Chuck Roller, Denton Peterson, and Jim Ferguson enjoying the Free Food for Veteran’s at Applebee’s. In addition to their service to country, these men have also served our Cascade Chorus for many years. Thank you, gentlemen, for your service.

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Tuesdays at 7:00 P.M. at
    Eugene Church of Christ
    2424 Norkenzie Rd
    Eugene Oregon

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