Setting up our choral risers is a job that must be done every week. Rocky and his stalwart staff haul the risers into our rehearsal hall and set them up. They also take down and store the risers at the end of each rehearsal. Yes, they are the younger members of our chorus, and we appreciate every one of them. This is one of those jobs where people likely do not say Thank You often enough.
Each year we invite men to join us as we create a Community Christmas Chorus. That adds to the workload for our riser crew. When we set up our risers we include the 4th step, which also requires a protective back rail. We even have some of our guests arrive early to assist Rocky and his crew. So Rocky, Brandon, Jordan, Asher, Xavier, Alvaro, Kai and Josh--from the Cascade Chorus, and our Christmas Chorus guests, thank you riser crew (and guests). We appreciate all your work.