Stairwell Tagging at HCNW

Anonymous's picture
June 18, 2018 - 8:24am -- Anonymous (not verified)

We are back from a busy weekend at Harmony College Northwest. Yes, there is such a thing as stairwell tagging (great sound). And there we find Brandon and Christine (see above) capturing two others to enjoy making overtones in the stairs (not Lost in the Stars-different song).

I did see most of the Cascade attendees (14 folk) and hope you all had a great time. I always enjoy collecting the money and writing the checks. Most folk seem to prefer the classes, shows and afterglows. Go figure (accountant joke).

We'll see you all Tuesday as we prepare for our weekend of coaching with Chris. You do not want to miss that.

More good news. I was given two boxes of HO guage train kits to put together and enjoy. Paul Graves (Evergreen Secretary) purchased the kits as a youngster, figured he'd never get to them, so passed them to me. What does that have to do with HCNW, you ask? That's where Paul gave me the trains. How cool is that!


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