A Siberian Orchestra

Anonymous's picture
November 27, 2017 - 8:29am -- Anonymous (not verified)

Many hands make light work. The Trans-Siberian Orchestra provided an amazing light and sound show. Back in Daisy's Diner, Cascade Chorus, with a huge assist from our friends from Sweet Adelines Greater Eugene Chorus and Diamond Dames quartet, helped feed the concert goers.

Six cash registers, four drink dispensers, popcorn to be scooped and nachos to be made. This crew worked the front of the booth and still took a moment to pose for Rich, our photographer. Move your eyes up to the lead photo. Here you see some of our runners. Their job is to get the food from the back wall to the correct window up front. With 6 people yelling out orders, that was a challenge. From whence cometh the food? I thought you'd never ask.

In the back of the booth, worked our cooking crew. They prepared and wrapped hot dogs, and sausage. They toasted our pretzels. Yes, they even found a moment to give Rich another photo op.

As you can see (and there were some camera shy folk who are not seen) it took many hands to make this work. I choose to mention two names in particular. Our booth opportunities would not exist without the efforts of Dale Lafon and Rich Watkins. They are the managers of these teams of workers. They rarely get seen in the photos (Dale is second from the right in the first in story photo). But their hours of work before and after the event make everything run like the proverbial well-oiled machine.

Our groups that work are members of the Barbershop Harmony Society and the Sweet Adelines International. We want to educate the public about our unique form of American music, barbershop. We work in these booths not for personal gain, but to finance our ability to bring the joy of music to others. If you want to know more, ask any one of us. We'd love to explain. In this case, many hands (and voices) also make beautiful music.

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    Eugene Oregon

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