Yes, there was that little movie, but this was live and in person. In our continuing role as a food purveyor for the University of Oregon, we had the pleasure of serving the Festival of Bands competition Saturday at Autzen Stadium. 27 high school bands from the Northwest were showing their wares and playing for an appreciative audience.
Meanwhile, back in booth A29, Cascade was serving up our usual fare of hot dogs, pizza, pretzels and, on this very cool day, copious quantities of cocoa and coffee. This was our biggest single day of work since we started running a booth. 14 people put in 137.25 hours of work in a single day. Several folk booked 17 hours of work.
I would be remiss if I didn't mention that we had much help. First would be the staff of the University concessions. Roger gave us a crew to work the "back bar" so to speak. They stayed in the back of the booth cooking, and when we had long lines out front, assisted us with nachos, drinks, and otherwise serving the customers. Thanks to Roger and his terrific University of Oregon team.
Joining in this effort were singers from the Greater Eugene Chapter of Sweet Adelines. They gave us people to work the windows, take orders and make change, jumping in wherever things needed to get done.
Also signing on to help were the Diamond Dames SAI quartet. They all worked like troopers and gave tirelessly for the cause.
We tried to close the booth at the scheduled time, but the last performing bands wanted to have something to eat, so we stayed open until the cocoa was gone, the pizza sold out and the last pretzel went out the window.
Final inventory (Rich) and moping the floor (Dan) and the last guys got to their cars about 11:30PM. Quite happy that an extra hour of sleep would be available the next day. Did you turn your clock back?
Our congratulations to the West Salem Marching Band and Auxilliary for taking first place in the open division. Go Titans!